Leagues forming now for Dome Flag Football! Come join the largest and most competitive Youth Flag Football program in Ohio. Register as a team or as an individual. Dome Flag Football offers leagues for grades Pre-K thru 8th grade all year. All games will be played at The Rossford Dome and Maumee Soccer Centre. Leagues will conclude with a playoff tournament and Super Bowl. Also, we have a Pro Bowl with selected players at the conclusion of the season. Each registration comes with a free camp during the season.
Touchdown for Tots: (Ages 3-4) Register
Kindergarten League: Register
1st/2nd Grade League: Register
3rd/4th Grade League: Register
5th/6th Grade League: Register
7th/8th/9th Grade League: Register
Kindergarten 1st/2nd Grade League: Register
3rd/4th/5th Grade League: Register
6th/7th/8th Grade League: Register